For Teachers
Seastone Papers offers workshops specifically designed for classroom teachers as well as teaching specialists. Having worked in the classroom as a middle school English teacher for thirty years, Sandy Bernat developed curriculum integrating the arts with literacy in her own classroom. Her students made their own paper; drafted, revised, edited and printed their own poetry onto the paper; and finally bound these poems into books. Creating observation journals, making memoir concertina books, constructing visual essays by altering books, exchanging ideas about books—all experiences integrated thinking through the combined processes of writing and artmaking. The tactile encounters in making paper and/or books along with image making and writing provide the foundation for excellent literacy skill building and understanding.
Aside from basic workshops in papermaking and book arts offered at Seastone Papers, classes can be designed for a specific school situation especially suitable for a group of teachers from the same school system. Among the workshops available for teachers are the following:
From Paper to Book In the 21st Century Classroom
This workshop is designed for you—the classroom teacher, art teacher, or someone with an interest in an arts approach to integrating curriculum through writing, papermaking, and bookmaking.
Instructor: Sandy Bernat
Fee: $395 which includes all materials
Work Hours/Time: 3 days, 10:00-4:00
The Visual Essay
Designed for teachers of students in middle or high school, this class offers an arts approach to exploring the written essay. Students learn to explore a thematic idea in depth by transforming through text and mixed media a discarded hard cover book.
Instructor: Sandy Bernat
Fee: $295
Work Hours/Time: 2 days, 10:00-4:00