Exploring the Tunnel Book

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Saturday October 12, 2019   Exploring the Tunnel Book 1:00-4:00
Prepare for an adventure in tunnel bookbinding as you create the illusion of depth and perspective for a reader. The concept of the tunnel book was in existence in the18th century, inspired by theatrical stage sets. A tunnel book is constructed in such a way that when a reader looks into it, the view is through successive pages to the backcover. The images on each page work together to form a three-dimensional scene that helps to tell a story, to imagine a landscape, or to create a pattern of form and color with depth. What story will your tunnel book tell?

Co-sponsored by The Carnegie, 58 N. Water Street, Edgartown

Instructor: Sandy Bernat
Fee: $100 with materials included
Work Hours/Time: 3 hours
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